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  1. Delta-6 desaturase (FADS6) is a key bifunctional enzyme desaturating linoleic acid (LA) or α-linolenic acid (ALA) in the biosynthesis of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). In previous work, we analyzed the s...

    Authors: Haisu Shi, Haiqin Chen, Zhennan Gu, Hao Zhang, Wei Chen and Yong Q. Chen
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:117
  2. Actinomycete genome sequencing has disclosed a large number of cryptic secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters. However, their unavailable or limited expression severely hampered the discovery of bioac...

    Authors: Huiming Huang, Lukuan Hou, Huayue Li, Yanhong Qiu, Jianhua Ju and Wenli Li
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:116
  3. As autotrophic prokaryotes, cyanobacteria are ideal chassis organisms for sustainable production of various useful compounds. The newly characterized cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus UTEX 2973 is a promisin...

    Authors: Kristen E. Wendt, Justin Ungerer, Ryan E. Cobb, Huimin Zhao and Himadri B. Pakrasi
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:115
  4. Clostridium pasteurianum is becoming increasingly attractive for the production of chemicals and fuels such as n-butanol and 1,3-propanediol. Previously we have shown that dual substra...

    Authors: Wael Sabra, Wei Wang, Sruthi Surandram, Christin Groeger and An-Ping Zeng
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:114
  5. Microbial production of lycopene, a commercially and medically important compound, has received increasing concern in recent years. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is regarded as a safer host for lycopene production tha...

    Authors: Yan Chen, Wenhai Xiao, Ying Wang, Hong Liu, Xia Li and Yingjin Yuan
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:113
  6. A kinetic model provides insights into the dynamic response of biological systems and predicts how their complex metabolic and gene regulatory networks generate particular functions. Of many biological systems, E...

    Authors: Nusrat Jahan, Kazuhiro Maeda, Yu Matsuoka, Yurie Sugimoto and Hiroyuki Kurata
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:112
  7. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an established microbial platform for production of native and non-native compounds. When product pathways compete with growth for precursors and energy, un...

    Authors: Tim Vos, Xavier D. V. Hakkaart, Erik A. F. de Hulster, Antonius J. A. van Maris, Jack T. Pronk and Pascale Daran-Lapujade
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:111
  8. While the nutrient limited fed-batch technology is the standard of the cultivation of microorganisms and production of heterologous proteins in industry, despite its advantages in view of metabolic control and...

    Authors: Mirja Krause, Antje Neubauer and Peter Neubauer
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:110
  9. Different bacteria have been reported so far that link selenite resistance to the production of metallic selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs). Although SeNPs have many biotechnological applications in diverse areas,...

    Authors: Helga Fernández-Llamosas, Laura Castro, María Luisa Blázquez, Eduardo Díaz and Manuel Carmona
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:109
  10. Bacillus thuringiensis and Bacillus cereus are two important species in B. cereus group. The intensive study of these strains at the molecular level and construction of genetically mod...

    Authors: Pengxia Wang, Yiguang Zhu, Yuyang Zhang, Chunyi Zhang, Jianyi Xu, Yun Deng, Donghai Peng, Lifang Ruan and Ming Sun
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:108
  11. Specific coupling of de novo designed recombinant protein polymers for the construction of precisely structured nanomaterials is of interest for applications in biomedicine, pharmaceutics and diagnostics. An a...

    Authors: Natalia E. Domeradzka, Marc W. T. Werten, Renko de Vries and Frits A. de Wolf
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:105
  12. The filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei has tremendous capability to secrete over 100 g/L of proteins and therefore it would make an excellent host system for production of high levels of therapeutic proteins a...

    Authors: Christopher P. Landowski, Eero Mustalahti, Ramon Wahl, Laurence Croute, Dhinakaran Sivasiddarthan, Ann Westerholm-Parvinen, Benjamin Sommer, Christian Ostermeier, Bernhard Helk, Juhani Saarinen and Markku Saloheimo
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:104
  13. The production and employment of cellulases still represents an economic bottleneck in the conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to biofuels and other biocommodities. This process could be simplified by displa...

    Authors: Iasson E. P. Tozakidis, Tatjana Brossette, Florian Lenz, Ruth M. Maas and Joachim Jose
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:103
  14. Proteinaceous bioactive substances and pharmaceuticals are most conveniently administered orally. However, the facing problems are the side effects of proteolytic degradation and denaturation in the gastrointe...

    Authors: Bo Zhang, Angdi Li, Fanglei Zuo, Rui Yu, Zhu Zeng, Huiqin Ma and Shangwu Chen
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:102
  15. The cell growth and ethanol yield of Zymomonas mobilis may be detrimentally affected by salt stress frequently present in some biomass-based fermentation systems, leading to a decrease in the rate of sugar conver...

    Authors: Jing-Li Wang, Bo Wu, Han Qin, Yang You, Song Liu, Zong-Xia Shui, Fu-Rong Tan, Yan-Wei Wang, Qi-Li Zhu, Yan-Bin Li, Zhi-Yong Ruan, Ke-Dong Ma, Li-Chun Dai, Guo-Quan Hu and Ming-Xiong He
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:101
  16. Formation of inclusion bodies poses a major hurdle in recovery of bioactive recombinant protein from Escherichia coli. Urea and guanidine hydrochloride have routinely been used to solubilize inclusion body protei...

    Authors: Vaibhav Upadhyay, Anupam Singh, Divya Jha, Akansha Singh and Amulya K. Panda
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:100
  17. Carotenoids are natural pigments with antioxidant properties that have important functions in human physiology and must be supplied through the diet. They also have important industrial applications as food co...

    Authors: Yingtong Zhang, Eusebio Navarro, José T. Cánovas-Márquez, Lorena Almagro, Haiqin Chen, Yong Q. Chen, Hao Zhang, Santiago Torres-Martínez, Wei Chen and Victoriano Garre
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:99
  18. Over the last few decades the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris has become a popular host for a wide range of products such as vaccines and therapeutic proteins. Several P. pastoris engineered strains and muta...

    Authors: Peter Schotte, Isabelle Dewerte, Manu De Groeve, Saskia De Keyser, Veronique De Brabandere and Patrick Stanssens
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:98
  19. Temperature is an important factor determining the performance and stability of the anaerobic digestion process. However, the microorganism-regulated mechanisms of temperature effects on the performance of ana...

    Authors: Qiang Lin, Guihua He, Junpeng Rui, Xiaoyu Fang, Yong Tao, Jiabao Li and Xiangzhen Li
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:96
  20. Lignocellulosic raw materials have extensively been examined for the production of bio-based fuels, chemicals, and polymers using microbial platforms. Since xylose is one of the major components of the hydroly...

    Authors: Hee Su Kim, Young Hoon Oh, Young-Ah Jang, Kyoung Hee Kang, Yokimiko David, Ju Hyun Yu, Bong Keun Song, Jong-il Choi, Yong Keun Chang, Jeong Chan Joo and Si Jae Park
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:95
  21. Genome streamlining has emerged as an effective strategy to boost the production efficiency of bio-based products. Many efforts have been made to construct desirable chassis cells by reducing the genome size o...

    Authors: Yang Li, Xujun Zhu, Xueyu Zhang, Jing Fu, Zhiwen Wang, Tao Chen and Xueming Zhao
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:94
  22. Omics approaches have significantly increased our understanding of biological systems. However, they have had limited success in explaining the dramatically increased productivity of commercially important nat...

    Authors: Katarina Karničar, Igor Drobnak, Marko Petek, Vasilka Magdevska, Jaka Horvat, Robert Vidmar, Špela Baebler, Ana Rotter, Polona Jamnik, Štefan Fujs, Boris Turk, Marko Fonovič, Kristina Gruden, Gregor Kosec and Hrvoje Petković
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:93
  23. The gram-positive bacterium Bacillus methanolicus MGA3 is a promising candidate for methanol-based biotechnologies. Accurate determination of intracellular metabolites is crucial for engineering this bacteria int...

    Authors: Marc Carnicer, Gilles Vieira, Trygve Brautaset, Jean-Charles Portais and Stephanie Heux
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:92
  24. In a recently discovered microorganism, Halomonas boliviensis, polyhydroxybutyrate production was extensive and in contrast to other PHB producers, contained a set of alleles for the enzymes of this pathway. Also...

    Authors: Mariel Perez-Zabaleta, Gustav Sjöberg, Mónica Guevara-Martínez, Johan Jarmander, Martin Gustavsson, Jorge Quillaguamán and Gen Larsson
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:91
  25. 4-Hydroxymandelic acid (4-HMA) is a valuable aromatic fine chemical and widely used for production of pharmaceuticals and food additives. 4-HMA is conventionally synthesized by chemical condensation of glyoxyl...

    Authors: Fei-Fei Li, Ying Zhao, Bing-Zhi Li, Jian-Jun Qiao and Guang-Rong Zhao
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:90
  26. Biological production of the aromatic compound para-aminobenzoic acid (pABA) is of great interest to the chemical industry. Besides its application in pharmacy and as crosslinking agent for resins and dyes pABA i...

    Authors: Nils J. H. Averesch, Gal Winter and Jens O. Krömer
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:89
  27. We report on the functional screening and identification of an active quorum quenching (QQ) gene in the Komagataeibacter europaeus strain CECT 8546, which is a member of the acetic acid bacteria (AAB).

    Authors: Maria José Valera, Albert Mas, Wolfgang R. Streit and Estibaliz Mateo
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:88
  28. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae provides intriguing possibilities for synthetic biology and bioprocess applications, but its use is still constrained by cellular characteristics that limit the product yields. ...

    Authors: Jorg C. de Ruijter, Essi V. Koskela and Alexander D. Frey
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:87
  29. De novo production of multi-hydroxylated diterpenoids is challenging due to the lack of efficient redox systems.

    Authors: Christian Görner, Patrick Schrepfer, Veronika Redai, Frank Wallrapp, Bernhard Loll, Wolfgang Eisenreich, Martin Haslbeck and Thomas Brück
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:86
  30. Streptomyces venezuelae ATCC 10712 produces antibiotics chloramphenicol (Cml) and jadomycin (Jad) in response to nutrient limitation and ethanol shock (ES), respectively. Biosynthesis ...

    Authors: Olga N. Sekurova, Jianhai Zhang, Kåre A. Kristiansen and Sergey B. Zotchev
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:85
  31. The classic AOX1 replacement approach is still one of the most often used techniques for expression of recombinant proteins in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris. Although this approach is largely successfu...

    Authors: Jan-Philipp Schwarzhans, Daniel Wibberg, Anika Winkler, Tobias Luttermann, Jörn Kalinowski and Karl Friehs
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:84
  32. Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, a facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen, is the etiological agent of caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), an infectious disease that affects sheep an...

    Authors: Karina T. O. Santana-Jorge, Túlio M. Santos, Natayme R. Tartaglia, Edgar L. Aguiar, Renata F. S. Souza, Ricardo B. Mariutti, Raphael J. Eberle, Raghuvir K. Arni, Ricardo W. Portela, Roberto Meyer and Vasco Azevedo
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:83
  33. The process of industrial xylitol production is a massive source of organic pollutants, such as waste xylose mother liquor (WXML), a viscous reddish-brown liquid. Currently, WXML is difficult to reuse due to i...

    Authors: Hengwei Wang, Lijuan Li, Lebin Zhang, Jin An, Hairong Cheng and Zixin Deng
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:82
  34. Heterologous production of hydrolytic enzymes is important for green and white biotechnology since these enzymes serve as efficient biocatalysts for the conversion of a wide variety of raw materials into value...

    Authors: Suttipong Sak-Ubol, Peenida Namvijitr, Phornsiri Pechsrichuang, Dietmar Haltrich, Thu-Ha Nguyen, Geir Mathiesen, Vincent G. H. Eijsink and Montarop Yamabhai
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:81
  35. Purified from the supernatant of Bacillus subtilis QK02 culture broth, Subtilisin QK-2 is a type of effective thrombolytic reagent that has great exploitable potential. However, the unbearable flavor that occurs ...

    Authors: Ruifeng Mao, Kangping Zhou, Zhenwei Han and Yefu Wang
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:80
  36. Pinoresinol is a high-value plant-derived lignan with multiple health supporting effects. Enantiomerically pure pinoresinol can be isolated from natural sources, but with low efficiency. Most chemical and bioc...

    Authors: Esther Ricklefs, Marco Girhard and Vlada B. Urlacher
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:78
  37. Sansanmycins are uridyl peptide antibiotics (UPAs), which are inhibitors of translocase I (MraY) and block the bacterial cell wall biosynthesis. They have good antibacterial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginos...

    Authors: Yuanyuan Shi, Zhibo Jiang, Xuan Lei, Ningning Zhang, Qiang Cai, Qinglian Li, Lifei Wang, Shuyi Si, Yunying Xie and Bin Hong
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:77
  38. Fluorescent nanoparticles or quantum dots (QDs) have been intensely studied for basic and applied research due to their unique size-dependent properties. There is an increasing interest in developing ecofriend...

    Authors: D. O. Plaza, C. Gallardo, Y. D. Straub, D. Bravo and J. M. Pérez-Donoso
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:76
  39. Microbial lipids can represent a valuable alternative feedstock for biodiesel production in the context of a viable bio-based economy. This production can be driven by cultivating some oleaginous microorganism...

    Authors: Lorenzo Signori, Diletta Ami, Riccardo Posteri, Andrea Giuzzi, Paolo Mereghetti, Danilo Porro and Paola Branduardi
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:75
  40. Given its high surplus and low cost, glycerol has emerged as interesting carbon substrate for the synthesis of value-added chemicals. The soil bacterium Pseudomonas putida KT2440 can use glycerol to synthesize me...

    Authors: Veronique Beckers, Ignacio Poblete-Castro, Jürgen Tomasch and Christoph Wittmann
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:73
  41. Among the oligosaccharides that may positively affect the gut microbiota, xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) and arabinoxylan oligosaccharides (AXOS) possess promising functional properties. Ingestion of XOS has been...

    Authors: Erica Pontonio, Jennifer Mahony, Raffaella Di Cagno, Mary O’Connell Motherway, Gabriele Andrea Lugli, Amy O’Callaghan, Maria De Angelis, Marco Ventura, Marco Gobbetti and Douwe van Sinderen
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:72
  42. Bacterial surface display is an attractive technique for the production of cell-anchored, functional proteins and engineering of whole-cell catalysts. Although various outer membrane proteins have been used fo...

    Authors: Sofie Wendel, Emil C. Fischer, Virginia Martínez, Susanna Seppälä and Morten H. H. Nørholm
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:71
  43. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are promising vectors of choice to deliver active molecules to mucosal tissues. They are recognized as safe by the World Health Organization and some strains have probiotic propertie...

    Authors: C. Michon, P. Langella, V. G. H. Eijsink, G. Mathiesen and J. M. Chatel
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:70
  44. The Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis has been widely used as a cell factory for the production of proteins due to its generally regarded as safe (GRAS) nature and secretion capability. Of the known secre...

    Authors: Jingqi Chen, Liuqun Zhao, Gang Fu, Wenjuan Zhou, Yuanxia Sun, Ping Zheng, Jibin Sun and Dawei Zhang
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:69
  45. The filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger is widely exploited as an important expression host for industrial production. The glucoamylase high-producing strain A. niger CICC2462 has been used as a host strain for...

    Authors: Hui Zhang, Shuang Wang, Xiang xiang Zhang, Wei Ji, Fuping Song, Yue Zhao and Jie Li
    Citation: Microbial Cell Factories 2016 15:68

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