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Fig. 7 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 7

From: Mining and characterization of the PKS–NRPS hybrid for epicoccamide A: a mannosylated tetramate derivative from Epicoccum sp. CPCC 400996

Fig. 7

Evolutionary conserved biosynthetic gene clusters of fungal tetramates: A epicoccamide A from Epicoccum sp. CPCC 400996; B burnettramic acids from Aspergillus burnettii FRR 5400; C equisetin from Fusarium heterosporum ATCC 74349; D himeic acid from A. japonicus MF275; E fusarisetin A from Fusarium sp. FN080326; F Sch210971/2 from Hapsidospora irregularis; G pyranoviolin A from A. violaceofuscus CBS 115571

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