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Fig. 4 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 4

From: Exploiting members of the BAHD acyltransferase family to synthesize multiple hydroxycinnamate and benzoate conjugates in yeast

Fig. 4

Production of polyamine hydroxycinnamates in yeast. Representative LC–MS chromatograms obtained from analysis of the culture medium of S. cerevisiae strains expressing 4CL5 and AtSCT (a, c–f) or 4CL5 and AtSDT (b, g, h) are shown. The 4CL5-AtSCT strain was fed with spermidine and p-coumarate, ferulate or sinapate for the synthesis of dicoumaroyl spermidine (a) p-coumaroyl spermidine (c), feruloyl spermidine (d), sinapoyl spermidine (e) and diferuloyl spermidine (f). The 4CL5-AtSDT strain was fed with sinapate and spermidine, putrescine and spermine for the synthesis of disinapoyl spermidine (b) sinapoyl putrescine (g) and disinapoyl spermine (h), respectively. Structures in a and b are represented as previously determined in [39] whereas other structures are arbitrarily shown with substitutions of the polyamines on N 1, N 8 (c–g) and N 1, N 12 (h)

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