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Fig. 1 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 1

From: Evaluation of heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris of Pine Weevil TRPA1 by GFP and flow cytometry

Fig. 1

Flow cytometric analysis of small-scale induction. (A) Cell viability. The relative number of cells with FL3-H (PI) values lower than the gate. The Δ1-708 HaTRPA1 cell samples have less PI negative cells, indicating a lower viability. (B, C) The mean GFP signal of the different types of constructs, only gated on FSC-A and SSC-A (B), and gated on FL3-H as well (C). Both constructs have higher GFP signals than the negative controls (B), but the HaTRPA1 cell samples have the highest GFP signal, considering only viable cells (C). The brackets indicate differences with statistical significance levels * corresponding to p < 0.05, and ** corresponding to p < 0.005 from a single factor ANOVA with Tukey-Kramer post hoc analysis. (1) All Δ1-708 HaTRPA1 clones except BW30 (corresponding clone without GFP tag) and 2.1.12, (2) Δ1-708 HaTRPA1 BW30, (3) all HaTRPA1 clones except 2.3.28, (4) Δ1-708 2.1.12 and HaTRPA1 2.3.28 (the low fluorescing negative reference clones)

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