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Fig. 7 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 7

From: Nitrogen and phosphorus stress as a tool to induce lipid production in microalgae

Fig. 7

The amount of lipids in different strains of Chlorella vulgaris when cultivated in media with different nitrogen content. The nitrogen content was calculated as NO3-N g L− 1. For known strains, their original names were used; the rest were divided into two groups: NS, natural strains; LS, laboratory strains of personal collections. NS and LS strains from the same work have the same number. Slash numbering was used to distinguish between different experiments with these strains. List of strains and sources: NS 1/1, NS 1/2, NS 1/3, NS 1/4 [104]; NS 2/1, NS 2/2 [34]; NS 3/1, NS 3/2, NS 3/3, NS 3/4, NS 3/5, NS 3/6 [99]; LS 1/1, LS 1/2, LS 1/3, LS 71/4, LS 1/5 [105]; LS 2/1, LS 2/2, LS 2/3 [106]; LS 3 [82]; UTEX 395 [93]; NS 4 [107]; CCAP 211/11B [68]; LS 4 [108]; CCAP 211 [109]; LS 5 [110]; NS 5 [111]; CCAP 211/11B [103]; F&M-M49 [103]; AG10032 [112]

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