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Fig. 6 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 6

From: Microbial synthesis of the plant natural product precursor p-coumaric acid with Corynebacterium glutamicum

Fig. 6

Co-cultivation of C. glutamicum strains optimized for p-CA and RES production. a The p-CA production strain C. glutamicum p-CA8 serves as a module providing the RES-precursor p-CA using glucose as a carbon source, whereas the RES-producing strain C. glutamicum-RES takes up p-CA for the synthesis of RES. 4CL 4-coumarate:CoA ligase, p-CA p-coumaric acid, RES resveratrol, STS stilbene synthase, TYR tyrosine, TAL tyrosine ammonia-lyase. b Production of RES in a co-cultivation system. The joint growth (OD600, diamonds), p-CA (circles), and RES titers (squares) of the two strains C. glutamicum p-CA8 and C. glutamicum-RES are depicted. An inoculation ratio of 1:1 was chosen for the cultivation. The green font color indicates that the p-CA production strain was able to form p-CA, while the RES production strain was able to produce RES. This was achieved by the presence of the corresponding production plasmid pEKEx3-aroHEc-talFjCg (p-CA) or pMKEx2-stsAh-4clPc (RES). The red font color indicates the inability to form p-CA or RES, which was evoked by the presence of the corresponding empty plasmids. As controls, both strains were cultivated that could form (1) neither p-CA nor RES, (2) those that could form only p-CA (3) or RES, (4) and those that could form both p-CA and RES. The data represent mean values and standard deviation of biological triplicates

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