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Table 1 Composition of culture media used to isolate endophytic actinobacteria

From: Isolation and identification of endophytic actinobacteria from Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad and their antibacterial properties

Name of culture medium

Components of the culture medium (1 Liter)



(Potato Dextrose Agar)

39 gm



(Tap Water Yeast Extract Agar)

Yeast extract 0.25 g, K2HPO4 0.50 g, Agar 18.00 g



(Yeast extract-casein hydrolysate agar)

0.3 g of yeast extract. 0.3 g of D. glucose. 2 g of K2HPO4, and 18 g of Agar


Humic acid-vitamin B (HV) agar

Humic acid 1 g, Na2HPO4 0.25 g, KCl 0.85 g, MgSO4.7H2O 0.025 g, FeSO4.7H2O 0.05 g, CaCO3 0.01 g, Agar18 g, Vitamin B 100×, (added after media autoclaved) 1 mL
