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Fig. 2 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 2

From: Advances in the human skin microbiota and its roles in cutaneous diseases

Fig. 2

Skin structure and pathogenesis of acne. The skin structure consists of epidermis and dermis. On the skin surface, there are many hair pores, and numerous microorganisms attached. Deep in the dermis, the structure is complex, and it is composed of blood vessels, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, adipocytes, hair follicles, and immune cells. The antigen-presenting cells (APC) identify the abnormalities of attached microbes and secrete lipids, presenting a signal to the T lymphocytes (T cell), which leads to the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, such as INF γ. This leads to eradication of microorganisms by recruited neutrophil and monocytes, but contributes to the redness and formation of acne in the epidermis

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