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Fig. 5 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 5

From: Metabolic engineering of Clostridium ljungdahlii for the production of hexanol and butanol from CO2 and H2

Fig. 5

Fermentation of C. lju Hex#15gInt Ccar1gInt at 30 °C in ATCC 1754 medium at 2-L scale with a continuous supply of 20% CO2 and 80% H2 as the carbon and energy sources. A–E Fermentation with pH control (pH 6.0). F–J Fermentation without initial pH control. A, F Fermentation course showing the formation of biomass and heterologous products over time. B, G The pH of the fermentation broth plotted over time. C, H Maximum product concentrations and optical densities. D, I Abundance of heterologous enzymes encoded by the Hex#15 construct. E, J Abundance of heterologous enzymes encoded by the Ccar1 construct

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