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Table 2 Bacterial strains and plasmids used in this study

From: Construction and description of a constitutive plipastatin mono-producing Bacillus subtilis

Strain or plasmid

Genotype or description



 Escherichia coli


mcrA recA1 supE44 endA1 hsdR17 (rK–mK+) gyrA96 relA1 thi ∆(lac-proAB) F' [traD36 proAB+ lacIq lacZ ∆M15]


 Bacillus subtilis


B. subtilis 168 ΔmanPA; trp + ; sfp + ;






spo0A3; ΔmanPA::erm; sfp + ;

J. Altenbuchner (unpublished)


spo0A3; ΔmanPA; sfp + ;

This study


spo0A3; ΔmanPA; sfp + ; ΔamyE:: degQ (from B. subtilis DSM10T)

This study


spo0A3; ΔmanPA; sfp + ; Ppps-ppsA-E:: Pveg–ppsA-E

This study


spo0A3; ΔmanPA; sfp + ; ΔsrfAA-AD:: comS-erm

This study


spo0A3 ΔmanPA; sfp + ; ΔsrfAA-AD:: comS -erm; Ppps-ppsA-E::Pveg–ppsABCDE

This study


spo0A3; ΔmanPA; sfp + ; Ppps-ppsABCDE::Pveg–ppsABCDE; ΔamyE::degQ (from B. subtilis DSM10T)

This study



oripUC18, bla, spc, manP, ter-lacI-lacZα-ter



oripUC18, bla,PmanP-manP, spc, manR-ctaO



oripUC18, bla, ter-′lacI-lacZα-ter



oripBR322, rop, ermC, bla, amyE′-[ter-PglcR-lacZ-spcR]- ′amyE



pJOE4786.1 containig Pveg::Ppps exchange fragment (integrated by Sma I)

This study


pJOE6743.1 containig Pveg::Ppps exchange fragment (integrated by Hind III)

This study


pKAM312 containing degQ (B. subtilis DSM10T) (integrated by Hind III)

This study