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Table 2 Cell counts of sourdough samples

From: Gluten hydrolyzing activity of Bacillus spp isolated from sourdough

Fermentation time (h)

Neutral control


GS 33

GS 143

GS 181

GS 188


0 h

 Cell counts cfu/g*



2X105 ± 0.1798

6X105 ±0.0197

5X105 ± 0.0244

7 X105 ± 0.0258

5X105 ±0.0336

6 h

 Cell counts cfu/g*



6X106 ± 0.1317

3X107 ± 0.216

5X106 ±0.149

4X107 ±0.173

8X106 ±0.145

24 h

 Cell counts cfu/g*

> 104


7X108 ±0.1348

1X109 ± 0.1536

5X108 ±0.247

1X109 ±0.1744

8X108 ±0.1846

48 h

 Cell counts cfu/g*



1X109 ±0.1978

2X109 ±0.238

1X109 ±0.318

2X109 ±0.427

1X109 ±0.854

  1. *cell counts were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and the values were statistically significant at p<0.05