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Archived Comments for: Deleting multiple lytic genes enhances biomass yield and production of recombinant proteins by Bacillus subtilis

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  1. A correction for legends of Figure 5

    Xiangdong Chen, Wuhan University

    9 September 2014

    There is some mistakes about the legends of Figure 5. The correct legends of Figure 5 should be "Figure 5 Nattokinase production in supernatants of wild-type and mutant cultures. (a): fibrinolytic activity assay. 1. B. subtilis 168/pBE2 supernatant, 2. LM2531/pBE2 supernatant,3. B. subtilis 168/pBNA cell lysate, 4. LM2531/pBNA cell lysate, 5. B. subtilis 168/pBNA supernatant, 6. LM2531/pBNA supernatant.(b) Nattokinase activity in the supernatants of wild-type and mutant cultures, Wild-type (wt) (black columns), LM2531 (mut) (gray columns). (c) SDS-PAGE analysis. 1. B. subtilis 168/pBE2 supernatant as control, 2.LM2531/pBE2 supernatant as control, 3. B. subtilis 168/pBNA supernatant at 6 h, 4. LM2531/pBNA supernatant at 6 h, 5. B. subtilis 168/pBNA supernatantat 12 h, 6. LM2531/pBNA supernatant at 12 h, 7. B. subtilis 168/pBNA supernatant at 24 h, 8. LM2531/pBNA supernatant at 24 h. The arrow indicates the position corresponding to mature nattokinase (29 kDa). "

    Competing interests

    The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
