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Fig. 4 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 4

From: Methionine inducing carbohydrate esterase secretion of Trichoderma harzianum enhances the accessibility of substrate glycosidic bonds

Fig. 4

ChIP-seq identified the downstream genes regulated by the zinc finger transcription factor ThGsfR2. a PCA showed the difference in reads distribution between IP and Input. Notably, after data dimensionality reduction, PC1 has 100% interpretation on eigenvalue and cumulative variability. b The peak plot showed the distribution of peak reads of IP and Input. c Venn showed the distribution of peak reads over the genome functional elements. d The IGV visualization showed the location in genome of the 10 peaks with the highest enrichment of ThGsfR2, and the red column was IP, the blue column was Input, and column height indicated the signal intensity, data range was shown inside the “[]” on the left, the proximity genes for peaks were shown on the bottom. e Expression level FoldChange of the genes corresponding to peaks in OE-ThgsfR2 and KO-ThgsfR2 were compared to WT, note that we excluded the peaks located in non-gene functional regions. f Growth of OE-HP5723, OE-HP5320, OE-Thce3 and WT on MM + straw. g Biomass of OE-HP5723, OE-HP5320, OE-Thce3 and WT grown at 28 °C for 4 days. h FPA of OE-HP5723, OE-HP5320, OE-Thce3 and WT. i Motif analysis of all peaks using Homer yielded 10 ThGsfR2 binding motifs, ranked according to scoring, the last column of table showed the transcription factors predicted for motifs using JASPAR. j The conserved sequence “TCTCTCTCTC” of motif1 was presented in Thce3 promoter with 50-fold enrichment. k DNA–Protein interactions between ThGsfR2 and motif1, Thce3 promoter region R1 (−1000 to −1 bp), and R2 (−2000 to −1001 bp) were verified by Y1H assay. Bait-reporters (pAbAi::motif1, pAbAi::R1, and pAbAi::R2) could not grow in SD medium without uracil (SD-Ura) containing Aureobasidin A (AbA, 600 ng mL−1); pAbAi::motif1 + pGADT7::ThGsfR2 co-transformant and pAbAi::R2 + pGADT7::ThGsfR2 co-transformant could grow on SD-Ura-Leu containing AbA (600 ng mL−1), pAbAi::R1 + pGADT7::ThGsfR2 co-transformant could not grow on that medium. Bars represent mean ± SEM, with n = 3 biological repeats; red dots resemble values from individual experiments. Student’s t-testing was conducted in (g, h), **significant difference to WT at two-tailed P = 0.002 (g, OE-Thce3), 0.004 (h, OE-Thce3); ns = no statistical difference to WT at two-tailed P = 0.789 (g, OE-ThHP5723), 0.265 (g, OE-ThHP5320), 0.807 (h, ThHP5723), 0.077 (h, OE-ThHP5320)

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