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Fig. 4 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 4

From: Quantifying microbial robustness in dynamic environments using microfluidic single-cell cultivation

Fig. 4

Subpopulation analysis in dMSCC. Subpopulations formed from the cells present in a chamber at the beginning of cultivation. Four chambers were analysed (XY02, XY19, XY35, and XY65), each characterised by a different oscillation frequency (control, 1.5, 6, and 48 min). A full overview of all chambers is provided in Additional file 2: Figure S8. (a) Growth curves of each subpopulation. (b) Violin plots highlighting the performance of single cells within the two subpopulations. Red dots denote the mean performance across all cells. Student’s t-test was performed to assess differences between the two subpopulations in each chamber; **p ≤ 0.01, ***p ≤ 0.001, and ****p ≤ 0.0001

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