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Fig. 3 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 3

From: Refining and illuminating acetogenic Eubacterium strains for reclassification and metabolic engineering

Fig. 3

Phylogenetic, genomic, and physiological comparison of methanol-utilizing Eubacterium strains. A Pairwise digital DNA-DNA hybridization values and average amino acid identities of the eleven Eubacterium strains. Strains are separated into three distinct clades comprising E. limosum, E. callanderi, and E. maltosivorans. B Arrangement of the methyltransferase system genes in the analyzed Eubacterium strains. C Growth behavior of methanol-utilizing Eubacterium strains represented by at least one strain of each clade (E. limosum clade; type strain DSM 20543T, E. callanderi clade; type strain DSM3662.T, strain ‘Marburg’ DSM 3468, and ‘KIST612’, as well as the E. maltosivorans clade; ‘32’ DSM 20517). From left to right, optical density, methanol utilization, acetate-, butyrate-, and hexanoate production. Error bars indicate standard deviations. n = 3

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