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Fig. 7 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 7

From: Camptothecin bioprocessing from Aspergillus terreus, an endophyte of Catharanthus roseus: antiproliferative activity, topoisomerase inhibition and cell cycle analysis

Fig. 7

Cell cycle and apoptosis of UO-31 in response to CPT of A. terreus. The cell cycle of UO-31 cells without CPT (A), and treated with A. terreus CPT (B), and the overall cellular growth arrest (C) in response CPT compared to control. Cell cycle analysis by Annexin-V-PI of UO-31 cells without CPT (E), with A. terreus CPT (F) and the overall apoptotic ratios (G). The statistical analysis results of the one-way ANOVA was summarized. The values were represented by the means, followed by letters a, and b within the same column that is a significantly different (ONE Way ANOVA, LSD test, p ≤ 0.05). ns refers non-significant, *refers to significant difference, **refers to highly significant difference. LSD is the least significant difference

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