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Table 1 Isolation of lichen taxa with the different methods

From: Lichen cell factories: methods for the isolation of photobiont and mycobiont partners for defined pure and co-cultivation

Taxon/isolation method

Isolation of fungi

Isolation of Algae






Cladonia macilenta


n. a.a


Cladonia fimbriata


n. a.a


Protoparmeliopsis muralis


n. a.b


Parmelia sulcata

n. a.c



Circinaria contorta


n. a.b



Xanthoria parietina


n. a.b



  1.  + positive result, − no result, n.a. method was not applied
  2. aThe method was not applied as it was difficult to find a soredia-free parts on the thallus of this species
  3. bThe method was not applied as the species usually does not develop apothecia
  4. cThe method was not applied as the species does not have soredia