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Fig. 7 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 7

From: Investigation of the methylerythritol 4-phosphate pathway for microbial terpenoid production through metabolic control analysis

Fig. 7

Specific efflux rates of MEP pathway intermediates calculated from their measured concentrations in the supernatant of cultures of the E. coli Bl21 dxs RBS library expressing ispS and idi from pCOLA::IspS-idi (\(\overline{\varvec{x}}\) ± SD, n = 3). The cultures were induced at OD600 = 0.1 and the supernatant was sampled at OD600 ≈ 0.5. The export of MEP pathway intermediates occurred after the induction of ispS expression in the dxs expression library. a Metabolite concentration in the supernatant of the cultures. b DXP and MEcPP efflux rates as a function of dxs expression relative to wild-type levels. Linear fits through zero and second-degree polynomial fits through zero are shown for DXP and MEcPP, respectively in (a) and (b). c Logarithmic plot of MEcPP efflux rate as a function of dxs expression. The data were fitted to a linear function with a slope of 2.0. The red marked data point was excluded from the fit. d The correlation of MEcPP efflux rate with its intracellular concentration, linear fitted through zero. e Combined efflux of DXP, MEcPP and isoprene in dependents of dxs expression, linear fitted

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