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Fig. 4 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 4

From: Development of an antibiotic marker-free platform for heterologous protein production in Streptomyces

Fig. 4

Elimination of Neomycin gene in the expression plasmid. a Diagram of the deletion of neomycin resistance gene from the expression plasmid by Dre recombinase. b, c PCR and restriction analysis of pNRoxAnti-Amy and pRoxAnti-Amy (b) or pNRoxAnti-Xyl and pRoxAnti-Xyl (c). 1. Neo: Primers LS124 and LS125. 2. Amy: Primers MRG11 and MRG12. 3. Xyl: Primers LS116 and LS117. The arrow shows the neomycin restriction band. d, e Amylase and xylanase production by S. lividans ΔTA-Tox transformed with pNRoxAnti-Amy and pRoxAnti-Amy (d) or pNRoxAnti-Xyl and pRoxAnti-Xyl (e) after 6 days of culture in YES medium supplemented with 3% xylose. 10 µL of the supernatant was loaded into each track

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