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Fig. 5 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 5

From: Improvement of whole-cell transamination with Saccharomyces cerevisiae using metabolic engineering and cell pre-adaptation

Fig. 5

Kinetic resolution of racemic 1-PEA with TMB4369 (CV-TA) with and without addition of PLP to the reaction solution. Prior to the reaction cells were pre-cultivated with or without thiamine in the medium. Experiments were performed in biological triplicates using 100 g/l glucose, 25 mM racemic 1-PEA, and 5 g/l dw cells. Symbols: empty square (0 mM PLP in the reaction, 0 µM thiamine in culture medium); empty triangle (0.1 mM PLP in the reaction, 0 µM thiamine in culture medium); filled square (0 mM PLP in the reaction, 3.3 µM thiamine in culture medium); filled triangle (0.1 mM PLP in the reaction, 3.3 µM thiamine in culture medium). No error bar is visible if the standard deviation lies below 5%

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