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Table 2 Strains and plasmids used in this study

From: Deregulation of S-adenosylmethionine biosynthesis and regeneration improves methylation in the E. coli de novo vanillin biosynthesis pathway


Relevant genotype


E. coli strains


F Φ80lacZΔM15 Δ(lacZYA-argF) U169 recA1 endA1 hsdR17 (rK–, mK+) phoA supE44 λ– thi-1 gyrA96 relA1



F mcrA Δ(mrr-hsdRMS-mcrBC) Φ80lacZΔM15 ΔlacX74 recA1 endA1 araD139Δ(ara, leu)7697 galU galK λ rpsL nupG



F λ ilvG- rfb-50 rph-1

ATCC 700926


F λ ilvG- rfb-50 rph-1 (DE3)

Ref. [55]


MG1655(DE3) ∆dkgB ∆yeaE ∆(yqhC-dkgA) ∆yahK ∆yjgB

Ref. [5]

 RARE ∆metJ

MG1655(DE3) ∆dkgB ∆yeaE ∆(yqhC-dkgA) ∆yahK ∆yjgB ∆metJ

This study

 PTS glu+

MG1655(DE3) ∆ptsHIcrr Pglk::Pcon* galPq

This study, but based on Ref. [56]

 PTS glu+ RARE’

MG1655(DE3) ∆ptsHIcrr Pglk::Pcon* galPq ∆(yqhC-dkgA) ∆yahK ∆yjgB

This study

 PTS glu+ RARE’ ∆metJ

MG1655(DE3) ∆ptsHIcrr Pglk::Pcon* galPq ∆(yqhC-dkgA) ∆yahK ∆yjgB ∆metJ

This study

E. coli plasmids


λ cI857 (ts), λ pr Repts, AmpR, CmR, λ pr FLP

CGSC 7629


oriRγ, AmpR, kan

CGSC 7633


oriR101, repA101 ts, AmpR, araC, araBp-λ γ -λ β -λexo

CGSC 7739


AmpR, lacI, T7lac



CmR, lacI, T7lac



KanR, lacI, T7lac



StrR, lacI, T7lac



pACYCDuet-1 harboring car opt (carboxylic acid reductase from Nocardia iowensis, codon-optimized for expression in E. coli) and sfp opt (phosphopantetheinyl transferase from Bacillus subtilis, codon optimized for expression in E. coli)

Ref. [5]


pETDuet-1 harboring Hs-S-COMT opt (catechol O-methyltransferase from Homo sapiens, codon-optimized for expression in E. coli) and asbF opt (dehydroshikimate dehydratase from Bacillus thuringiensis, codon optimized for expression in E. coli)

Ref. [5]


Plasmid containing the shikimate module, version 4, kindly provided by the Keasling Lab at UC Berkeley. (Source of aroG*-ppsA-tktA artificial operon)

Ref. [57]


pACYCDuet-1 harboring the feedback-resistant aroG* from E. coli

This study


pACYCDuet-1 harboring three E. coli genes in an artificial operon: aroG*, ppsA, and tktA

This study


pCOLADuet-1 harboring the E. coli metK gene

This study


pETDuet-1 harboring Hs-S-COMT opt

This study


pCOLADuet-1 harboring a feedback-desensitized version of E. coli metA (27_Arg- > Cys, 296_Ile- > Ser, and 298_Pro- > Leu, “metA*”)

This study


pCOLADuet-1 harboring a feedback-desensitized version of E. coli cysE (95_Val- > Arg, and 96_Asp- > Pro, “cysE*”)

This study


pCOLADuet-1 harboring an artificial operon consisting of the metA* and cysE* genes

This study


pCDFDuet-1 harboring an artificial operon containing car opt and sfp opt

This study


pCOLADuet-1 harboring the E. coli mtn gene

This study


pCOLADuet-1 harboring an artificial operon consisting of the E. coli mtn and luxS genes

This study


pCOLADuet-1 harboring sahH Sc (S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase from S. cerevisiae, codon-optimized for expression in E. coli)

This study