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Fig. 6 | Microbial Cell Factories

Fig. 6

From: Online monitoring of dissolved oxygen tension in microtiter plates based on infrared fluorescent oxygen-sensitive nanoparticles

Fig. 6

Comparison of E. coli BL21 (DE3) pRSet-mCherry cultivations using the BioLector microtiter plate and the RAMOS shake flask system. Online monitoring of the oxygen transfer rate (OTR) in a RAMOS shake flask and dissolved oxygen tension (DOT) via dispersed oxygen-sensitive nanoparticles in a MTP (a) and microbial growth via scattered light in a microtiter plate in the BioLector system (b). c Fluorescence intensity of mCherry (ex.: 580 nm/em.: 610 nm). Cultivation medium: Synthetic Wilms-MOPS auto-induction medium with 0.55 g L−1 glucose, 2 g L−1 lactose and 5 g L−1 glycerol. Cultivation conditions: BioLector: 48well Round Well Plate without optodes, VL = 900 µL, n = 1000 rpm, d0 = 3 mm, 37 °C; RAMOS: 250 mL RAMOS shake flask, VL = 23 mL, n = 350 rpm, d0 = 50 mm, 37 °C. Based on the DOT measured the OTR was calculated with a fitted kLa-value of 181 h−1 according to Eq. 2. The data of the RAMOS cultivation is shifted 1.1 h. For a better comparison of the propagation of the scattered light signals, two specifically adjusted y axes were used

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