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Table 1 Plasmids and strains used in this study

From: Artificial de novo biosynthesis of hydroxystyrene derivatives in a tyrosine overproducing Escherichia coli strain

Plasmid or strain

Relevant characteristics




f1 ori, T7 promoter, AmpR



f1 ori, T7 promoter, KanR



pET-28a(+) carrying codon-optimized tyrosine ammonia lyase gene (tal)

Kang et al. [20]


pET-28a(+) carrying 4-coumarate 3-hydroxylase gene (sam5)

Choi et al. [17]


pET-28a(+) carrying caffeic acid methyltransferase gene (com)

Choi et al. [17]


pET-28a(+) carrying tal and sam5 gene

Kang et al. [20]


pET-28a(+) carrying tal, sam5, and com gene

Kang et al. [20]


pET-28a(+) carrying feedback-inhibition resistant chorismate mutase/prephenate dehydrogenase gene (tyrAfbr)

Kang et al. [20]


pET-22b(+) carrying feedback-inhibition resistant DAHP synthase gene (aroGfbr)

Kang et al. [20]


pET-28a(+) carrying tyrAfbr and aroGfbr gene

This study


pET-22b(+) carrying codon-optimized phenolic acid decarboxylase gene (pad)

This study


pET-28a(+) carrying tal and pad gene

This study


pET-28a(+) carrying tal, sam5 and pad gene

This study


pET-28a(+) carrying tal, sam5, com and pad gene

This study


 E. coli DH5α

Cloning host


 E. coli C41(DE3)

Derivative strain of E. coli BL21(DE3)

Miroux and Walker [31]


tryR gene in-frame deletion mutant of E. coli C41(DE3)

Kang et al. [20]


E. coli C41(DE3); ΔtyrR::tyrA fbr, aroG fbr; tyrosine overproducing strain

This study